Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bad Doctor Touch On Ladies

About Movement "Civitas" an important point to emphasize

The "Beige Room" makes important services. However, he made the publicity for the movement "Civitas" , which is a "transmission belt" of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X (SSPX), a movement claiming to be Catholic, but who do not.

This movement apparently independent, is actually subservient to priests Lefebvrists trying to exercise a kind of occult theocracy.

This movement, as can be seen on his website , ignores the doctrine of the Church as it developed after Vatican II and even "Quas Primas" Pius XI . He condemned religious freedom, it does not mention the reign of Christ. It does not mention the "Compendium of social doctrine," or "Caritas in veritate". It is a sectarian movement.

What characterizes the movement Lefebvrist is a profound moral and intellectual poverty, particularly in light of their claims. Their ideology, combining the plans, the subjects of study, science, confuses individual and social morality, ethics and law, etc. opportunity and obligation. and believes these confusions to testify to the Truth.

The Lefebvrists repeat the speech "The Catholic City" speech contradictory, as can be seen from reading my blog, for example here, here , here and there still (as examples).

(I wrote a short comment, courteous and asked, citing the close ties between the SSPX and Civitas, and criticizing the beige room not to be mentioned, but it has not been published).


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